Six National Objectives For Mental Health

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There are 6 national objectives for Mental Health. These are: • For more people of all ages and backgrounds to have good mental health. Fewer people will develop Mental Health problems by having a healthy life. Mental wellbeing is defined as the ability to cope with life’s problems and make the most of life’s opportunities. It is about feeling good and functioning well, both as individuals and collectively. People with mental health problems can enjoy good wellbeing while some people without diagnosed mental health problems may find it difficult to cope with life’s problems. The key areas to achieve this objective are: Starting well: This is important as half of lifetime mental health problems have already developed by the age of 14 therefore …show more content…

As the young person grows up, the major influences on their lifestyle and health choices shift away from their parents and towards their environment and peers. A few actions from the government to support local approaches were taken. The new health premium will ensure that national government funding is designed to encourage local authorities to promote equality and narrow the gaps in health between those living in deprived ad affluent areas. Also, the department of health is expanding access for children and young people to a range of talking …show more content…

In considering risks, mental health services have to play their part in managing and reducing risks of harm to others as well as risk to self and all these risks should be assessed. They could do this by having their own interventions or by helping other agencies to do what they are best placed to do. The government has issued updated guidance on assessment and management of risk. ‘Best Practice in Managing Risk: Principles and guidance for best practice in the assessment and management of risk to self and others in mental health services.’ This guidance makes it clear that risk assessment is an intrinsic aspect of all high quality clinical assessment and not a separate

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