Six Competences Outlined by the Management Standards Centre (MSC)

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Executive Summary

The management report presents six competences (under 3 sub-headings) outlined by the Management Standards Centre (MSC). These are the following:

• D. Working with people

• D1. Develop productine working relationships with colleagues

• D3. Recruit, select and keep colleagues

• D7. Provide learning opportunities for colleagues

• E. Using resources

• E5. Ensure your own action reduce risks to health and safety

• F. Achieving Results

• F6. Monitor and solve customer problems

• F10. Develop a customer focused organisation

It describes the issues involved in each one, for example what are the processes involved, what systems are put int place to deal with different kind of demands and what issues arise in the light of each competence.

For example, in competence F6 ( Monitoring and solving customer problems), processes that play significant role are; - Creation of feedback systems or communication skills.

The report goes further in depth, by analysing what the manager's role in each competence is. The discussion section of the report argues on the tasks that managers have to follow for a positive outcome to arise. A good example of managerial involvment is highlited in competence E5 ( Ensuring actions reduce risks to health and safety), here it is clear that the manager must inform the workforce of organisational policies and regulations.

The influence of managers in the organisation is illustrated, having into account the competence in question. Discussion will center around how managerial involvment is diverse according to the situation, this will be supported with theoretical models on motivation and leadership.

Working processes are presented in this section of the report, illustrating how things are done in organisations. The management of resources is explained, for instance how technology can help improve areas such as, customer service, with innnovative training methods (electronic aids).

The arguments presented will be supported with case studies. these will show how theory applies in the "real world".

Conclusions and views are included in the discussion section.



Executive summary


1. Findings -------------------------------------- p.

1.1 Working with people

1.1.1 Develop productive relationships with colleagues ----------------- p.

1.1.2 Recruit, select and keep colleagues ----------------------------------- p.

1.1.3 Provide learning opportunities for colleagues ----------------------- p.

1.2 Using resources

1.2.1 Ensure your own action reduce risks to health and safety ---- p.

1.3 Achieving results

1.3.1 Monitor and solve customer service problems --------------------- p.

1.3.2 Develop a customer focused organisation --------------------------- p.

2. Discussion/Conclusions ( How it involves the manager - brief; put theory here in each; relate theory to examples; Evaluate examples in relation to its rate of sucess against the competences; Examples of good and bad examples of implementation of the competences - cases in appendix) ----------------------------------------- p.

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