Situational Poverty Can Affect A Person's Life

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Situational poverty is a huge issue that most people don’t exactly notice. Poverty in general means the state of being poor. But there are many types of poverty. One that stands out is situational poverty. Situational Poverty means that it is caused by a sudden crisis such as loss of job,severe illness, divorce, or even natural disaster caused in their environment. It’s one of the types of poverty but one that stands out. Situational poverty can affect a person's life depending on the cause, People should start noticing and helping out to prevent being poor.

Situational poverty can be caused by multiple of things. Some of the common cause is natural disaster and serious health condition. Natural disasters can cause to destroy multiple homes causing the home owners to not really having anywhere to go. Not only that, but all there private, expensive or even spare money are gone because of the disaster. Not a lot of people realize that, that can happen to a lot of people. “What we found is there’s a very close overlap between the countries that we expect to have very high levels of poverty still in 2030 and the countries most exposed to natural hazards. And now this shouldn’t really come as a surprise because we …show more content…

It can be hard for them to find a new job but again, a lot of people do not even realize that it can be harder for others or nearly impossible. It can cause them to not be able to keep up with their bills or payments that they should pay. Especially if they lose their jobs, they can not afford their house or keep up to pay their homes. Not only were they not afford for their House but they can not afford their food or anything for them to be healthy which can be hard to find or do. “It’s time that america comes to understand that many of the nation's biggest disparities, from education and life expectancy to poverty, are increasingly due to economic class proportions ”said William Julius

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