Situation Crime Prevention Vs Environmental Criminology

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(2004).The capability can arise from the perpetrator’s position of function within the organization ;intelligence to exploit an opportunity ; ego or confidence ;coercion skills; ability to lie effectively and consistently; and ability to manage the stress of committing and managing the fraud over along period of time. The Fraud Triangle; like other traditional criminology theories, focus on the perpetrator’s disappointment to offend. Clarke(1997) argues that traditional criminology has made the error of assuming that explaining criminals is the same as explaining the crime. Criminological focus on the dispositions of offenders naturally results in any attempts to describe , explain and affect crime being limited to describing, explaining or affecting only those dispositions. Further as the factors that affect throughout an individual’s lifetime, policy that …show more content…

1).Situation crime prevention is an application of environment criminology. Its aimsto decrease crime by increasing both the efforts and risk of crime commission, decreasing the reward, and removing the provocations and excuses that increase the frequency of crime commission(Cornish and Clarke, 2003). Situational crime prevention requires of focus on specific forms of crime rather than on the perpetrator’s disposition, and seeks to alter the nature and prevalence of crime opportunities ( Clarke,2003).Routine activity theory (Cohen and Felson, 1979) originally described the three basic elements for a direct contact predatory crime occur. Crime events occur

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