Sir Walter Raleigh Research Paper

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Exploring the world takes courage, A lot of it. Sir Walter Raleigh can be known to have founded new crops, and even to have founded what we know today as Virginia. Although some people might say all of the resources that he needed for exploration were just given to him. Sir Walter Raleigh definitely took risks in fighting for all of his beliefs, additionally he took risks in creating new colonies and creating new countries. Some of them shaping the way America was formed today. Sir Walter Raleigh is known as one of the best explorers to live. Raleigh one of the best explorers needed supplies to go on his expeditions, and how would he do this. Simple by winning over the Queen of Ireland and England. In 1580 Raleigh traveled to Ireland to fight …show more content…

This was to create what Raleigh called “The New England”. Raleigh would travel to Roanoke Island and build a settlement near Roanoke. On the coast of what we know today as North Carolina. Raleigh named his new settlement Virginia, after the virgin queen, Queen Elizabeth I. Raleigh thought that Virginia would be an absolute Jackpot in riches. Raleigh believed Virginia consisted of copper, gold, and pearls. Raleigh then realized that if he found theses riches it could also be traded and sent to other countries for tools, clothing, food and other materials. Which would help his settlement greatly since the colony was just starting off. Raleigh quotes “Whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world”. But all good things must soon come to an end sadly. Raleigh came across a couple of issues with the settlement. Delays, quarrels disorganization, and extremely hostile indians forced mostly all of the settlers to travel back to England. Although later on Raleigh, North Carolina was named after Sir Walter Raleigh for his settlement being made in the exact spot the capital is. Although the achievement later on, this was an extreme setback for Raleigh, thinking that it could have been so great it eventually turned out to be a huge backfire. But Raleigh did not give up after the fail of Raleigh’s first expedition he wanted to give it another shot. Raleigh’s 2nd expedition was to El Dorado. The legendary lost city of gold! Raleigh made two out of the three expeditions over to El Dorado to find this gold. Although like his first belief for gold, copper, and pearls. The whole journey turned out to be a total fiasco. From all of these journeys and expeditions how was Raleigh able to go on so many expeditions without running out of

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