Sir Galahad

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Sir Galahad

In the Arthurian legends, Sir Galahad is one of the most mentioned and most important of the Knights of the Round Table. Conceived when the other famous knight, Lancelot, slept with the lady Elaine (daughter of King Pelles) thinking she was his loved but forbidden Guinevere. Unaware of his parent’s identities, Galahad was raised by an abbess until reaching his fifteenth birthday when he was introduced to his father, who knighted him and accompanied him into Arthur’s court. There, Sir Galahad duplicated Arthur’s feat of drawing Excalibur from the stone (or from an anvil as some versions have it told) by drawing a sword from a solid block of marble. This feat demonstrated to all that he was the one who had been chosen to quest for the holiest of all Christian relics, the Holy Grail, and so he was given the seat at the round table known as the seat of the Perilous Siege which was reserved for the chosen one.

The Grail, also known as the Cup of Christ, was the chalice that Christ drank from during the last supper. This cup was also thought to be the cup used by ...

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