Single Payer System Essay

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Health care system in the United State is set up in a way that providing Medical to everyone would be easier than implementing single payer system. Single payer system is understood by providing equal and quality healthcare to everyone by offering service on as reasonable cost as possible, by administrating, and financing the rest cost by government. In the report “Key Questions When Considering a State-Based, Single-Payer System in California” published by California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) defined Single Payer System as a single centralized, publicly organized means to collect, pool, and distribute money to pay for the delivery of health care services for all members of a defined population. It is definitely not an easy process, but …show more content…

This is not entirely possible when it come to the US as our system has its own drawback. Health services here are easy to be reached, but not as reliable as it is bounded by many external sources. Although Medical and Medicare provides almost free health service but they are based on age and income, which is not reliable to everyone. If single pay system is started, it will be life-changing moment in health care system in the US. This way health care service would be provided to the resident in lower payment rates as it rates are already set. Currently US have much more higher premiums for the service, treatment and prescription drugs than other developed countries. If single payer system kicked in it can be administrated for less than multi-payer system. Residents will have more choices and options for negotiation and reimbursement. As government sets the cost in single payer system, they can set the low cost and also it helps to control monopoly prices by controlling health care spending limits and …show more content…

As mentioned in the article- if single payer health care system is adopted it will immediately raise myriad intricate and divisive transition issues. It might potentially uproot thousands of critical arrangements President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Sen. Reid struggled to leave intact. It is also a challenge to our government that how such a single-payer plan would be passed and how it would touch the lives of millions of Americans. If Single-payer health care system is approved, there will be huge change in our federal relations in Medicaid and in many other matters. It would create the need to radically revise the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which strongly influences the benefit practices of large employers. Single-payer would require intricate negotiation to navigate the transition from employer-based coverage. The house will be responsible for the regulation and negotiation which now is mostly handled by the insurance companies and the employer. When ACA was acted and implemented on March 23 2010, it gave new face to our American health care system. It was a hope that all Americans will get the health care facility they deserve. It

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