Single Payer Healthcare Persuasive Speech

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Thank you for your first affirmative speech, and now I will make a speech, which is going to be against to your claims and points. Most people do not even know what single-payer means. So let’s start with what we have. We can think of the American healthcare system as a series of tubes. We don’t have single-payer healthcare, we have thousands and thousands of payer healthcare. And each of them typically pays different amounts for the exact same medical service. For every 3 doctors in the U.S., you have to two billing staff standing behind them just handling all that paperwork. If we think of a single-payer system, it is just one tube of payments, which all money flows from the government to the doctors. So since the government is the one paying all bills, they get to decide what they will and will not. …show more content…

So I want to start with the disadvantages of a single payer healthcare. The money for a single payer system needs to come from somewhere. For countries that have already established a single payer system, the pool of cash that is used for care typically comes from taxation. These countries are; Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Kenya, Jordan, Iraq, Cameroon, and Cambodia. If you guys have noticed that I did not mention any European country, and all countries that I mentioned they have the worse economy than the U.S., they are all 3rd world countries, but unfortunately, United States of America is on that list just because we do not have free healthcare and Universal Healthcare. Subpoint B is the higher taxes, this is seen in the US already as well through the Medicare salary withholding tax. Corporate and sales taxes are often raised to supplement the fund, for example, the gasoline prices have been increased 18 percent since last year. And the tax policy center estimates %53 of taxpayers will face higher bills. Just because the president of the United States has ended the Affordable Care Act, also known as

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