Singer Solution To World Poverty Essay

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According to a World Bank report, 9.6% of the world’s population in 2015 lives in poverty, which is classified as living under $1.90 per day [CITE]. Suffice it to say, poverty is a major issue and everyone has an opinion, including Princeton Bioethics professor Peter Singer, who has PhD in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. Singer is best known for his Controversial application of Utilitarian philosophy on range of issues from animal cruelty to religion, and is also known for his much talked about book Animal Liberation, but this is not about that. This is about Singer’s opinion piece titled “The Singer Solution to World Poverty”. In Singer’s piece he talks about the the moral implications of not donating discretionary income and proposes “...that each one of us with wealth surplus to his or her essential needs should be giving most of it to help people suffering from poverty...” [CITE]. His goals are admirable, but his ideas fall flat with a modicum of scrutiny because his rigid moral stance does not allow him to view the topic from the evolutionary psychological and economic side of the issue, that are essential to understanding how to fix them. Even if it was a possible solution it wouldn’t do what he claims it would do, and it is not the right direction for the world to go in …show more content…

It does not stand up from the psychological and economic difficulties it would surely face, or if on the surface because his rigid moral stance does not allow him to view the world in an unbiased lense. My solution to the problem is not the end all be all solution because we are dealing with socio economic realities and human nature that are out of our control. I wish I could tell people what to do, but that is not the reality of the world we live in, we live in a world where the moral person or argument always

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