Simulated Violence

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Role Playing Games with Simulated Violence are Perilous for Kids Role playing games are very popular that many people take part in. They involve simulated violence. However, the main concern is that these games are exceptionally perilous to participants. Word choice in statements from individuals that participate in Killer, such as “I am looking for some good massacres early,” instate that participants are somewhat compulsive and serious about a mere high school game. Statements spoken by participants and game rules reveal that these types of games are physically and mentally harmful. These games with simulated violence provide some fun and a way to relieve the participant of the stresses of life, however, the outcomes are very perilous for …show more content…

In Killer - a high school assassination game - players are basically putting themselves in the mad-minds of criminals. Cohen, a participant of Killer, explained in an article by Guy Martin how every morning, while the game was being held, he would jump over his neighbor's fence and exited through his neighbor’s house. Even if the neighbor gave Cohen permission to do such procedures, these practices are nevertheless provoking criminal-like behavior. On top of that, Killer lasted for two and a half weeks. Carrying out these nefarious acts for such long periods can result in profound effects and changes on the minds of teens. Long exposure to the mind of a killer can have numerous negative impacts. For example, when teens play violent video games such as GTA V, they are put into the shoes of a criminal who is supposed to kill law enforcement officials, rob banks, and overall, be a menace to the virtual society. A study in 2011 came to a conclusion that the brain changes in a group of violent video game players were similar to those seen in teens with destructive sociopathic disorders. The scientists and researchers also stated that they found less activity in areas that involved emotions, attention and inhibition of our impulses in the brain of violent game players. Even though the purpose of these simulated violent games is a form of relief, they can negatively impact the mental …show more content…

Simulating violence in games are physically harmful to teens. An article called “High Jinks: Shootout” written by Guy Martin, describes teens jumping over fences and taking highly dangerous and difficult routes to and from school. On top of that, many participants take off-course routes to gain an an advantage over their opponents. These routes (woods, alleys, construction sites) likely contain many hazards which could easily cause a sprained ankle, broken arm, and many more severe injuries. As a result, physical injuries are quite prominent when participants go out of their way into dangerous routes and places in order to squirt someone with a jet of water. It even goes as far as stalking opponents. A student who participated in Killer, had stalked his targets to an airport! At a place like this with tight security, it is quite possible for a security personnel to misinterpret this game as a public safety threat. Because of theses consequences, it is not appropriate for teens to jump fences and stalk someone to their house just for a game with a small prize. In The Great Office War—a video produced by Runaway Box—the office workers shot their coworkers with foam bullets which could potentially injure someone as nobody participating in the game was wearing protective facial equipment. A bullet could’ve easily hit someone in the eye and cause an unexpected emergency. Many people

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