Simon Lord Of The Flies Death Essay

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The novel “Lord of the Flies”, by William Golding, features a character named Simon, who is the first of the boys to be killed by the other boys. His death takes place in chapter nine, A View to a Death, and is not only situationally improbable, but also not a well thought out character choice by the author. First, the reasons why Simon dies do not make sense. The events that lead to Simon’s death are as follows. He hallucinates the pig head speaking, which prompts him to discover the real beast. Then, he heads for the boys to tell them that the beast is nothing but a dead man. The boys believe Simon is the beast and kill him. On the surface, this is a perfectly logical way for him to die, but after conducting research, it actually does not …show more content…

This dehydration is what causes him to hallucinate, and thus what causes him to find the beast. However, he could have only been in the forest for a few hours. In Shadows and Tall Trees, Simon is sent on his journey in the early evening, and in Gift for the Darkness, he loses consciousness before dark. Therefore, he would not have been dehydrated long enough to have the vivid hallucination portrayed in chapter eight. Considering this fact, it is only due to his impossible hallucination that he goes after the beast. After regaining consciousness, Simon says to the pig’s head, “What else is there to do?” (209). Subsequent to this, he begins to climb the mountain and it is there that he finds the lone parachuter, better known as the beast. This then encourages him to inform the others that there is nothing to fear, and the beast is only a dead man. Despite him knowing it was dark, the boys were afraid, and they were blood-thirsty for the beast, Simon walks onto the beach where the boys are chanting, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” (218). The author describes the final chant before the boys notice Simon as “thick” (218) and “urgent” …show more content…

Not only does this not make sense, but it makes his death seem more humane in a twisted way. The boys did honestly believe it was the beast, and had no real evidence to prove it wasn’t, as Simon was not saying it was him. Therefore, his death was hard to be taken to close to heart. Next, there are many reasons why Simon should not have been the character to be murdered first. The author does not create an emotional attachment to Simon throughout the book, as he is seen as mysterious. To introduce and attempt to make a connection only two chapters before his death was not effective. There was no reason why the reader should have felt sorry for Simon, as he was not one of the lovable characters, such as Piggy, but he was actually already an outsider. This murder was meant to show the animalistic behaviours of the other boys, but it did not work, as Simon could have potentially died whether he was thought to be the beast or not. As he was the only boy who truly believed there was no beast, and the boys are on the path to insanity, going against what everyone else believed definately could have lead to his demise at a later point in the

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