Similarities between Business & Military Strategy

541 Words2 Pages

The Art of War and todays business have many common characteristics.

Sun Tzu has analyzed war from different angles like moral laws, time

period, chances of life and death, skills of the commander and the

maintaince of the army. The same analyses can be made for todays

business environment. War is a position where only the strong have the

ability to survive, or at least the stronger ones have the higher

probability to survive. Similarly todays business environment and the

character of business people, their agressiveness, motivation, stress

are all similar to ancient soldiers and commanders.

The comparisons between war and business life are similar in five

ways. 'These are the way, the weather, the terrain, the leadership and


First of them is the way. In war the way you have to avoid from the

strong andstrike at weak. Therefore at the beginning when you want to

grow your business you don't neet to challange stronger rivals at

first, you have to grow first by challanging the weak rivals in the


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