Similarities Between West Egg And The Great Gatsby

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This just proves how thoughts of class in a society significantly affects the decision of marriage in both novels. Those who are rich are more concerned with playing it safe and sticking with their own people. They often care too much about their image and it is this that results in them not being satisfied or sustained. Daisy and Lady Catherine de Bourgh, both married into their own old upper class and did not take the chance to go out of the cultural norms, resulting in them both living a boring, unsatisfied life. Money mattered, not his character. Another time class shows up is when the upper-class displays their superiority to the lower-class. In The Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy, a wealthy couple from East Egg-the older money in society- often feel like they are better than West Egg- the lower-class people- and don’t like socializing much in their area. …show more content…

According to the narrator, Daisy thinks West Egg is the knock off brand of East Egg. This illustrates Daisy’s character of being condescending towards West Egg, disliking the fact that people in West Egg were not born into wealth like she was and had to work to get the things she had. East Egg’s resentment and dislike of West Egg shows that society is divided. Similarly, Lady Catherine de Bourgh is a rich person who talks down to the poor; trying to boss them around and belittle them. She does this when she criticizes Elizabeth, a young middle class women, for her upbringing. She acts really snobby when she says, “No

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