Similarities Between Tom Sawyer And To Kill A Mockingbird

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Tom Sawyer, Scout Finch. The protagonist of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and To Kill A Mockingbird, two characters in completely different stories with different conflicts and time periods. Despite that, they still have some striking similarities and differences. Some resemblances between Tom Sawyer and Scout Finch is that they both have a strong desire to discover things, to adventure, have to protect and stand up for those that are important to them.

A similar character trait between Tom Sawyer and Scout is that both characters are curious. In the story of The adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom Sawyer forced Huck to go with him to the cave in which Injun Joe had passed away. "Huck, it's in the cave!" (Twain 212) This quotation expresses how curious and excited tom was to search for the hidden treasure. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout finds two pieces of gum inside a tinfoil wrapping on the keyhole of the Radley’s oak. She puts it inside her mouth, even though there is a possibility of it being poisoned by Boo Radley. "When I did not die I crammed it into my mouth." (Lee 14) Scout’s Curiosity to find out what was inside the tinfoil, she tried tasting it. Tom Sawyer and Scout share the common character trait of curiosity in the story. …show more content…

Tom Sawyer’s adventurous character trait is shown when he went exploring with Huckleberry Finn at the graveyard. “The boys moved off and disappeared in the gloom. At the end of half an hour they were wading through the tall grass of the graveyard.” (Twain 64) Tom Sawyer is always willing to try new things and experiences. Scout’s adventurous character trait is shown when she followed Dill and Jem for a whole day doing things she normally wouldn’t do. Just to prove that Jem’s claim was false. "... you're gettin' more like a girl every day!" (Lee 14) Scout was adventurous for trying something that was new and unordinary to

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