Similarities Between Socrates And Thomas Hobbes

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Socrates and Thomas Hobbes, two independent philosophers of two independent eras, both had divergent beliefs of government and citizen. Socrates’ whole life was persuading and disagreeing with common beliefs and questioning everything and everyone - except his own death since he had no comprehension of “self-preservation.” Hobbes, however, believed people had to give up the right to question in order for the sovereign to protect the commonwealth. The life and death of Socrates contradicts Thomas Hobbes’s view of self-preservation because ultimately, Socrates defied protecting himself and died in the hands of his own government. Although Socrates might argue that his death was justified because he failed to persuade the Athenian government for …show more content…

If Socrates was such a constant critic of the government, then why did he never question the Athenian government what his rights as a citizen were? Socrates’ claimed he was “gadfly” who “was attached to this city by the god” (30e) but he never critiqued what the implications of the relationship between the government and citizens were. In Socrates’ perspective, if one chooses to live in Athens, then one is implicitly agreeing and abiding the Laws of Athens (52b.) Although Hobbes’ may agree with this point to some extent, the sole intent of a covenant in which “every man should say to every man ‘I authorize and give up my right of governing myself to this man’” (109) was to protect oneself from harm/death. For Hobbes, the relationship between government and citizens was mutual; the government would acquire power and authority only if citizens were guaranteed protection and defense. For Socrates, the relationship between government and citizens was one-sided; the government should have complete dominance and citizens should blindly obey the government’s commands if one is unable to persuade the government on how to rule. For this reason, Socrates’ had no care for his self-preservation as he was only concerned with the government’s best

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