Similarities Between Socrates And The Gorgias

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After Socrates had finished arguing with Gorgias in The Gorgias, he moves in to the next in line: Polus. They discuss the concepts of committing injustice over suffering injustice and the importance of punishment of the felons. Socrates say to Polus, “but in my opinion, Polus, the unjust or doer of unjust actions is miserable in any case- more miserable, however, if he is not punished and does not meet with retribution, and less miserable if he be punished and meets with retribution at the hands of gods and men” (Plato 53-54). Here Socrates declares that to do is worse than to suffer evil and if a man has done evil it is in his best interest to be punished than to be left unpunished. This is because according to his viewpoint doing injustice

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