Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Romeo and Juliet, (R&J), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, (AMSND), are two different genres with but have the same basic plot: Two young lovers can’t wed and the girl is to marry another man who is preferred by her father, so the couple meets at night and plans to run away. Both couples have gone against the wishes of their authority figures but it doesn’t end well for Tybalt, Paris, Romeo, or Juliet. R&J is set in Elizabethan times, and the Chain of Being would have been disrupted by their actions.AMSND has fantastical elements that interfere with fate and these elements such as fairies and cupid, would have been understood to be higher on the chain than man by its attendees of the time. Is it the force of celestial bodies that makes R&J a tragedy and AMSND a comedy? In both R&J and AMSND, the lovers must meet under the guise of darkness. Despite the security the night offers the …show more content…

This is in spite of her providing them a safe place to marry and meet. In their love, the two put each other higher up in the chain of being past the moon. “QOUTE ABOUT SUN AND STARS”. Without the darkness however, the sun and stars do not shine. To break the wishes of authorities on earth and rebuke the moon while idolizing a lover as stars and the sun, is to act upon the entire chain rather than a link. A foreshadowing of the lovers’ fate in death can be seen as the heavens are a recurring topic in both Romeo and Juliet’s dialogue. In AMSND, the heavens are mentioned only seven times which happens to be the number of God, maybe this is a positive foreshadowing on the comedy. The moon plays a large role in this play and its power is

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