Similarities Between Richard Cory And Curley's Wife

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Despite humans’ efforts to decrypt others’ real emotions and thoughts, they usually end up seeing only what they want to. Whichever way they perceive a soul turns out to be wrong. People make assumptions about the different situations and effects they have on a person. Richard Cory and Curley’s wife are both individuals who are both seen in a different light than how they are in reality. Richard Cory and Curley’s wife’s loneliness is disguised by their public appearances put on them by the rest of the communities. While Richard Cory is respected for being decent and wealthy, Curley’s wife is seen as a flirty whore. Even though the men who live on the ranch with Curley and his wife constantly visited brothels, they seemingly viewed actual …show more content…

The townspeople seemed to believe that since Richard Cory was way wealthier than they were, that they simply did not belong on his radar. Richard Cory was viewed as superior to them because of his economic status. Curley’s wife was an extremely lonely woman whose attempts at connecting with people did not go smoothly. Although Curley’s wife would try to get the men’s’ attention by using her sexuality, it was the only way she believes she could be noticed. From a young age, Curley’s wife has been sexualized by several men, offering her fame and fortune due to her grand beauty. Curley’s wife was forced into a marriage she did not want a part of. She felt as though she were Curley’s property and she really was. Curley’s wife was not even given a name. She was referred to as “Curley’s wife”, throughout the entire novel. She felt as though she was losing herself when she became Curley’s wife, but the only self she knew was a temptress to men. Due to the missed conceptions of the people that lived around Richard Cory and Curley’s wife, they never gave either one a chance of preventing their terrible ends – Richard Cory’s ultimate suicide and Curley’s wife’s accidental

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