Similarities Between Remember The Titans And To Kill A Mockingbird

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The classic book “To Kill a Mockingbird” had a similar theme of social injustice to the Unit one story “Remember the Titans”. The characters in these books displayed the common theme of racial and class injustice. Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird”, was a white lawyer who was fairly well off as far as money while everyone in the was middle class. The ignorant country farmers in town were below them. The African Americans were the lowest on the totem pole people. Julius Campbell in “Remember the Titans” was a not so wealthy black teen in a very white community of middle classmen. Both stories were set in the South and took place in a time where people refused to accept African Americans. “To Kill A Mockingbird” is set in the 1930’s and “Remember the Titans” was set in the early 1970’s. Here is how both of the themes of social injustice are very similar. …show more content…

In the duration of the book Atticus is attacked by the town for defending a black man. “The whole town has an uproar”, etc. after being in the courtroom and hearing both sides. The court proceedings in which Tom is found guilty because nobody believes in the innocence of a black man. After the court proceedings, a mob of men tried to gang up on Atticus. If Scout hadn’t have stepped in, it could have been a massacre. As Scout and Jem, Atticus’s children, walked home after a costume contest Jem was attacked by a knife wielding man because his father defended Tom. Later Tom Robinson dies when trying to escape prison because Atticus thought that since he was black he thought he could never get an appeal. This racial and class injustice affected all of Maycomb

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