Similarities Between Populism And Conservatism

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Are contemporary far/extreme right parties inherently fascist, conservative or neither?
In last three decades it is possible to observe the constant rise of support for far-right parties all across Europe, but especially in the West. When it comes to positioning far-right, it seems to be dependent on the spectrum of their radicalisation. (Copsey, 2013, p. 3) According to Carter, what makes far-right parties right-wing lays in the rejection of the principle of fundamental human equality. (2005, p. 17) In this case, the question, whether these parties are inherently fascist or conservative would depend on their position on, exactly, this spectrum. Without any doubt, there are many ideological similarities between extreme-right, fascism, and conservatism. …show more content…

(Copsey, 2013, p.2) Populism is an important, if not vital element in describing far-right parties. According to Cas Mudde the radical-right wing populism is ‘pathologically normal, entirely unremarkable’ (Copsey, 2013, p. 3) and closely connected to mainstream political activity. Their populism offers a very simplistic, radical views that are shared by large pluralities within Western states. (Mudde, 2000, p. 188) too. Betz describes this as this key feature that separates modern radical right-wing parties from their inherently neo-fascist predecessors. (Copsey, 2013, p.8) Extreme right populists spin the wheel of social fear, both on economic and security grounds. This is mostly expressed through the opposition to immigration, also used as their core political concern in electoral campaigns. (van Spanje, …show more content…

centralisation of power in a national leader). (Karapin et al., 1998, p. 217). Supposedly, ‘they seek to roll back as far as possible the libertarian spirit of the contemporary democratic order and to replace it with an ethnically homogeneous authoritarian state’ (Wolin, 1998, p. 49)
However, the new generation of far-extreme right parties do not have any neo-fascist legacy. As an example it is possible to take Vlaams Blok. In their case they are more of ‘by-products’ or ‘off-spring’ of the conflicts of post-industrial society. (Copsey, 2013,

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