Similarities Between Play It As It Lays 'And Singin' In The Rain

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Hollywood is the city where big lights and fame roam the streets. People travel from all over the world to Hollywood in hopes of making it and getting a glimpse of fame. Hollywood has always been portrayed positively through the media using glamour, riches, and power. The novel Play It As It Lays is about a woman, Maria Wyeth, who struggles every day with Hollywood society. The film Singin’ In The Rain is a movie about the filmmaking industry in Hollywood. Play it As it Lays, by Joan Didion, and Singin’ in the Rain, directed by Stanley Donen, both portray the iconic Hollywood negatively. Events such as abuse, trust issues, faking it, divorce, etc. occur in the novel or the film showing the audience the struggles that famous people encounter in Hollywood. Both novel and film portray Hollywood in a similar environment but different perspective. …show more content…

In the novel when Maria was having a discussion with her husband Carter about BZ and Helene’s (BZ’s wife) marriage arrangement with BZ’s mother, she said, “I’m sick of everybody’s sick arrangements” (Didion 48). The contexts taken from the novel about how Maria feels can give the audience the perspective that people in the Hollywood industry are always making arrangements whether it is one that they could agree with or not. In Maria’s case she became pregnant with another man’s child. Since the child was not Carters she was forced to get an abortion because it would jeopardize Carter’s career. “Everything’s arranged. Everything is perfectly taken care of” (Didion 62). Maria had nothing to do with the process of her abortion because Carter took care of it. She had no choice in when or where the abortion was to be done. Maria thought to herself, “She would do this one last thing and then they would never be able to touch her again” (Didion

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