Similarities Between Patrick Henry And Benjamin Franklin

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Many speeches have shaped the nation we live in today. Patrick Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention” and Benjamin Franklin’s “Speech in the Convention” are two of the most prominent speeches that have assisted in the forging of our new nation. The “Speech in the Virginia Convention” serves to encourage those that listened to take arms against the British and fight the injustice being done to them. The “Speech in the Convention” admits to the imperfections of the Constitution but supports its ultimate purpose. Both Patrick Henry and Benjamin Franklin believe leaders must do away with compromise and lead when it’s best for the people as a whole. However, Patrick discourages any future compromise, while Benjamin Franklin feels that future …show more content…

Henry comments, “And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.” He deems any future compromise pointless. They have tried to compromise before and nothing's worked, so why would things change with time? On the other hand Franklin feels quite differently. Franklin claims, “the older I grow the more apt I am to doubt my own Judgment, and to pay more Respect to the Judgment of others.” Franklin deems future compromise necessary due to human nature. People change and as they change more opportunities to compromise will be made available. The most prominent difference between Patrick Henry and Benjamin Franklin is their hope for future compromises. Both Patrick Henry and Benjamin Franklin believe compromise should be abandoned in order to lead a better society. Yet, Franklin considers compromising crucial on account of human nature, while Henry regards any hope for compromise futile. Regardless of their views on compromise, these great men molded the incredible country we live in today. By inspiring many to join the revolution or establishing the basis of our current government, Franklin and Henry certainly made their mark on history. Without their contributions, America would be a drastically

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