Similarities Between Nat Turner And John Brown

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John Brown was a radical who believed he was led by god to evoke a war on pro-slavery activists and slave owners in order to diminish slavery. At the age of 59 Brown set out to put a team of anti-slavery abolitionist and free black men together, call them an army and execute his plan. However only 21 people enlisted mainly whites, 13, no slaves or free blacks joined. As surprising as this was to Brown it surprises me too. I wonder if the blacks were scared. Why didn’t they jump at every opportunity and chance to free those oppressed by the inhumane of slavery? Maybe they had their own plans to victory in the works. Brown still pursued his plan and went fourth with his 21 men. Although a follower of Christ, John believed the only way to overthrow …show more content…

They believed God called on them specifically and they were willing to do whatever it took to satisfy the lord. However they killed an overwhelming amount of whites which is really a contradiction to their following. The bible says “thou shall not kill” but they did the opposite. Turner and his army killed nearly 60 people men, women and children including his slave owners sleeping baby then threw the baby into the fireplace. Actions as such are hard to defend, making the best word to describe both army’s decisions as inhumane. I don’t believe Turner fully deliberated all his choices and next steps. His killing spree caused for slave owners all over to kill blacks on their plantation because they feared their slaves would catch the attention of other blacks and give them the idea to overthrow their own slave owner and join Turners army. Brown, under the impression that violence was the only way to achieve his goal killed many too. He was a white man and his actions seem to be more inhumane than Turners because he killed his equals. He was free and had access to the same people he killed there were ways around the high death toll both men

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