Similarities Between Kate Chopin And Virginia Woolf

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When discussing literature, a major theme often brought to the forefront is identity. Although many authors discuss identity, rarely there are female authors writing progressive stories centering on the identity of women, especially during the 19th and early 20th century. Despite the rarities of these authors, two prevalent authors still highly regarded today are Kate Chopin and Virginia Woolf. Chopin grew up in a bilingual and bicultural home due to her mother being a French immigrant. This French influence from her mother and her marriage to Oscar Chopin influenced her literature. After Mr. Chopin’s death in 1882, Kate sold their family business and began writing to support her family, mother, and herself. Kate Chopin’s second and most successful …show more content…

When people begin to express themselves, the fear of rejection and ridicule may cloud individual light; however, there is always one outlet for the best form of expression: the mind. Chopin states,
“Mrs. Pontellier was not a woman given to confidences, a characteristic hitherto contrary to her nature. Even as a child she had lived her own small life within herself. At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life-- that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions” (Chopin …show more content…

He stirs a part of Edna that has slumbered through her marriage as well as through her romantic infatuation with Robert” (Lant).
Robert offers an outlet for better self-discovery within Edna. Sometimes, people rely on others for motivation as they go on their journey. Looking to others as an inspiration and self-betterment through the process, is what Edna found in Robert. The outlets of self-discovery are plentiful and unique. Through The Awakening, Edna provides a look into the different forms and means of

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