Similarities Between Julius Caesar And Napoleon Bonaparte

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The month:September. The year:52 BCE. In the rolling hills of present day central France, near the town of Alesia, one of the greatest minds in history prepares for the battle that will change the fate of his country. The man is a Roman general named Julius Caesar. Almost 2000 years later in 1815 CE, near the flat town of Waterloo in modern day Belgium, another titan of battle fights the battle that will determine the fate of his country. The man is a former French emperor named Napoleon Bonaparte. Indeed Napoleon and Caesar were incredibly similar as a result of being genius military minds, powerful politicians, and both having a violent demise, which left huge impacts on the world after their deaths,but were different in all three respects. Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte were both titans of battle. With brilliant tactics including the usage of cannons to eliminate the front lines of the opposing force or the use of the mirror to project light to communicate with other commanders secretly, both were able to win battle after battle. They also lead by example,connected with soldiers on a personal level, and gave stirring speeches. By doing this they both had fiercely loyal troops. In addition, both started out their careers by being generals and were able to conquer vast areas. Caesar was able to conquer modern day France, Greece, parts of Spain, and parts of North Africa. Napoleon was able to conquer present day France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium and The Netherlands, and was able to defeat the Russian army. However there were a few …show more content…

They represented strength, resilience, and power that their nations rallied behind. However, despite both being symbols of nationalism, both men differed in many

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