Similarities Between In The Beginning And The Odyssey

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The Odyssey and In the Beginning can be related because they are epics. In addition to that the authors are also similar in a way, Homer, the author of the Odyssey is unknown if he was real and if he ever existed. The author of In the Beginning is still unknown till this day, all we know is that it is found in the bible and talks about how it all started when God created the world. While in the Odyssey it has many gods and goddesses as well as In the Beginning but it only has one main god. The main characters are Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, and in the other story, their is the god, serpent, Adam and Eve. In the Odyssey the temptation was, that calypso made him stay with her on the island. She made him believe that he was enjoying himself on the island for ten years. After the ten years, she let Odysseus go back on his journey home by order of Zeus. In the Beginning, a snake tempted Eve to take fruit from the forbidden tree. She was given an order to not take the fruit from the by God. Eve defied his one rule in her paradise and took the fruit. Later she offered Adam some of the fruit convincing him that the fruit does no harm. Once they both ate the fruit they grew old …show more content…

She, of course, wanted to be like god so she disobeyed him and took the fruit. She gave the fruit to Adam because she wanted them both to be like gods. In the Odyssey, Odysseus believed that he did not have to thank the gods that helped him because he thought that he had the rank of a God. Both the stories have characters that want to be more than human they want to be God-like. Both these stories can be compared in many ways. The Beginning and The Odyssey by Homer are similar and different in many ways. They are both amazing epic tales that were written in ancient

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