Similarities Between Harvey And Mr. Hood In 'The Thief Of Always'

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A fantasy fiction novel by Clive Barker known as the Thief of Always is a story where the brave hero Harvey is invited to The Holiday House. The house of the evil Mr. Hood, and Harvey is on his conquest to defeat the house. Though, Hood and Harvey are both the main characters of the book who coordinate with each other, but there is one big difference that sets them apart. Barker created these personalities between Harvey and Hood to create something the two, good and evil can relate to, and having something that separates them. Likewise, the two thieves they are, there vampiric actions, and how heart in one can overthrow evil. Harvey and Mr. Hood both constantly are being referred to being as thieves throughout the story. The constant use …show more content…

Hood are also referred as vampiric. Hood is considered a vampire, showing power and the thirst for power and blood. After turning back from a vampire and scaring Wendell for Halloween. Jives declares, “Those who’d say that all the great powers in the world are blood suckers and soul stealers at heart. And we must serve them. All of us. Serve them to our dying day ( 88 ).” Jive is implying that the master he serves, Mr. Hood, has great power, and the part about being a blood sucker shows Mr. Hood’s streak of vampire. And Jive says soul stealers, which Hood actually steals or sucks souls gaining him power and also again showing Hood being vampiric. Harvey throughout the entire book has a love and feeling of the vampire, and has power in a different way than you think. When Harvey was scarring Wendell as a vampire, he thinks to himself, “There was a lesson there, if he could only remember it. Evil, however powerful it seemed, could be undone by its own appetite.” Harvey realizes that the power he owns is evil’s power, if he can use evil’s power against evil the power he repels destroys the evil there. With this in mind Harvey will defeat all the house servants and even Mr. Hood. Being vampiric and powerful help to develop Harvey and Hood, but also gives them strength to clash with other and cooperate with each

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