Similarities Between Gattaca And Brave New World

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Andrew Niccol’s Gattaca and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are both works of science and dystopian fiction with societies that often blur the line between utopia and dystopia. Focusing on worlds that pride themselves upon perfection and discrimination of the genetic lower class, with a true lack of empathy and understanding for those different to them. These works create incredible windows that manage to display the sheer tenacity of the human spirit, something that resides within all people and marks us as truly human. Both Brave New World and Gattaca’s representation of the human spirit, while different both work as a shared concept and relevant theme within both works.
PARAGRAPH ONE/ EVALUATE add a small section speaking about …show more content…

Brave New Worlds representation of the human spirit is more encompassed with multiple characters but largely settles on John the Savage, a character that acts as a clever portrayal of the morals and way of thinking the reader is able to identify with today. John the Savages arrival is almost too little too late with the readers exposure and desensitizing of this dark world having already taken place. His horror and questioning of The World State is a massive relief with the reader finally getting the release of someone acknowledging how horrific these practices are. Within Gattaca Vince’s tenacity and his portrayal of the human spirit can be seen more as a sign of hope. Vince swims against his brother a genetically perfect being compared to him but in the end, Vince manages to defy all odds twice beating genetics and proving that being an invalid isn’t what defines …show more content…

(59) When John arrives a character that is able to comprehend and strive for more he is deemed a savage and gets used for Bernard’s personal gain, When John realises that the ideals Shakespeare’s works have taught him are non-existent in The World State he’s horrified. Johns ideas and expressions of The World State harness emotive language and creates a tone distinct to John using language utilised by no other character within the novel. His dismay evokes sympathy from the reader and engages them similarly To Vince’s struggles within Gattaca, as the characters are both deemed unworthy and struggle to find acceptance and understanding through these sterile societies. Within Gattaca a turning point for Vince’s character and a true indication of his relentlessness and human spirit, is the two times he swims against his brother and wins. While his brother has the upper hand in almost every way

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