Similarities Between Frankenstein And Metropolis

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis convey the theme of revenge and destruction through the loss of a female companion.
Rotwang's creation of the Machine Man relates to Frankenstein's motivation for forming the monster. Both want to create life out of what is nonliving. Neither end product is entirely human, although it has the form of the human body. A robot has no culture or emotion, nothing that separates it from the other animals. The creature is exposed to very little culture. He learns just enough to ensure that he will never be happy. "The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred …show more content…

His intentions are to live with her away from society but Frankenstein has trouble believing she will comply. “She, who in all probability was to become a thinking and reasoning animal, might refuse to comply with a compact made before her creation(Shelley 202).” This patriarchal attitude would be fulfilled in Metropolis through the Maria bot. She brought destruction to man, that is the workers, through leadership. An allusion to Eve is not too far from the scope of the reader’s imagination, especially with the many references to Milton’s Paradise Lost. Eve brings sin in the world, the destruction of the perfection of God’s creation. Similarly, Joh Fredersen creation, the city of Metropolis is ruined after the Maria bot leads the workers(Adam) into destroying the heart machine and flooding the town. Women are to be feared in both societies, for they have the power to lead men to destruction. This does not explain the provocative clothing worn by the elite women in the beginning scene. They fail to interest the men in a later scene. The Maria bot is sent to entertain the upper class men so they do not interfere in Joh’s plans. She develops her own feminist socialism but is defeated by the patriarchal society(Clark). After the Maria bot has achieved its purpose, it is destroyed and dehumanized. Unlike other robots, cyborgs have certain characteristics that convey humanity, although they usually lack free will. Maria bot is exceptional in the respect that she develops a mission of her own, to destroy the patriarchal forces that keep her

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