Similarities Between Dr. Seuss's Cat And The Hat

220 Words1 Page

Fifty. Dr. Seuss’s Cat and the Hat had only 225 different words in it. Bennett Cerf, his editor, made a bet that he could not write a book with less words. They settled on 50 words. This isn’t the only weird fact about a Dr. Seuss book. Yertle the Turtle is about Hitler. Dr. Seuss created the word, “nerd” for his book If I Ran the Zoo. Dr. Seuss almost didn’t get published. He took his first book, To Think I Saw It All on Mulberry Street, to many publishing companies who all rejected it because they thought it was too silly for children. The success of his reading books killed off the famous Dick and Jane books, which were used to teach children to read before Cat in the Hat.
Dr. Seuss’s real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel and he doesn’t

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