Similarities Between Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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There are a lot of stories where the main character has a conflict, and a lot of the times they do not handle it the right way. In both Poe texts the main characters uses killing to get rid of their conflicts. While In “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” the main character succumbs to his. Both authors use conflict to show what type of person the main character is.
In "Hop-Frog" and ¨Tell-Tale Heart¨ the main characters do the same thing to get rid of their conflict. First, In "Hop-Frog" Hop-Frog’s conflict is he was taken from his home and made a servant for a king. To handle this conflict Hop-Frog tells all the people he is working for that they will be in a play. Then he hangs them from the ceiling and kills them, and then him and his friend Trippetta escapes. Next, In “Tell-Tale Heart” the narrator does not like the old man's eye and wants to get rid of it. So the narrator decided to kill the old man. He felt bad and confessed that he killed the old man. Hop-Frog and the narrator both handled their conflicts the wrong way. Both main characters were weak because to handled their conflicts by killing the people they …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde¨ the main character succumbs to his conflict. The main conflict in this story was Dr. Jekyll did not want to turn into Mr. Hyde anymore because Mr. Hyde would keep killing innocent people. Mr. Hyde wanted to separate his good side from his bad, so he made a potion. But it ended up separating him into two people. His bad side starting killing people. Mr. Hyde succumbed to his conflict, he ended up killing himself. He did this because he didn't want Mr. Hyde to kill anyone else. Since Dr. Jekyll did not stand up to his conflict this shows he was a weak person. Dr. Jekyll was not a strong person because instead of trying to redo his potion and fix the problem, or try to control Mr. Hyde he just ended the whole thing. So that no one else could get hurt incase he could not fix it. This is why Dr. Jekyll was a weak

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