Similarities Between Donald Trump And John Maynard Keynes

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In this paper, I will argue either Donald Trump is a Keynesian or not. these two personalities have a significant difference but some similarities could be visible as well. John Maynard Keynes was a political economist of remarkable optimism and vision. He strongly believed that governments in their hands have a power to solve some of the most significant diseases of capitalism. Keynes denied a possibility to accept the communism or unlimited free market. Instead of such path, he have chosen a golden middle course, as he believed that governments with a judicious injections of capital (money) and rise in regulations in specific fields would make the economy more balanced and smoother, reducing the probability of sharp peaks. Economist believed …show more content…

Keynes believed that national governments could successfully manage economies, but Keynes also believed that a global system of economic organization was possible. He argued that, for the purpose of global trade, countries should subscribe to the creation of a new international standardized unit of account: the Bancor. Through a complex system of accounting, the adoption of the pseudo-currency would allow an internationally-recognized organization to impose fines on countries in order to discourage them from running large trade deficits or surpluses. Such a system would help to smooth out peaks and troughs in international trade and, not coincidentally, it would also benefit countries like Britain who had, because of the cost of the War, had low reserves of gold. It was both a brilliant and self-interested idea in equal measure. But, ultimately, the Bancor did not come about. The United States, which was effectively bankrolling global post-war economic reconstruction, ran large trade surpluses and had no intention of accepting limitations on these. But several of Keynes' other proposals, such as the establishment of the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to oversee and encourage world trade, were accepted, and have dramatically changed the world. Testimony to Keynes' belief that national and super-national economic planning is both necessary and possible. The strain of the Bretton Woods negotiations were immense upon Keyne. Whereas, Trump does not look at the world in this way. He mostly focuses on the US not much carrying about global organizations and what are their recommendation. Also, Trump makes many short-term decision, which would be beneficial for his class member while Keynes talks about long-term solutions that are beneficial for all. Generally, Trump wants to satisfy his own ambitions, whereas Keynes was more openminded and talked what is good for

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