Similarities Between Dolce And Gabbana

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In today's world, women look to be viewed as more powerful and confident, younger, with a superior air. A recent Dolce & Gabbana ad that appeared in InStyle promised all that and more. The ad employs nearly every trick- color, framing, and _____- in the book to pry money from the hands of InStyle's readers. Dolce & Gabbana's October 2017 ad promises superiority, power, excitement, youth, and confidence to readers. The magazine InStyle, is a monthly periodical aimed at upper-class women in their late thirties and early forties. Within its pages one will find articles such as a Fall Boot Guide, as well as entire articles focusing on Meg Ryan's Hair and Amy Sedaris's hair. InStyle caters to women who wish to up their outfits, give their hair more volume, and have a radiant glow about their skin. However, the magazine also tries to push feminist agenda an interesting contrast to a push for classic and sexist beauty standards. This Dolce & Gabbana ad from the October 2017 edition of InStyle bombards the eyes of the viewer with a flourish of vibrant colors and textures jumping off the page. In the foreground, …show more content…

It sells values. It sells images." This rings especially for Dolce & Gabbana's InStyle ad. This ad conveys promises of superiority, power, youth, excitement, and confidence. It promises that by purchasing and wearing Dolce & Gabbana, women will be better than those around them. They will become powerful and others will view them as such. In addition to offering power, this ad suggests that wearing Dolce & Gabbana will make one more confident, perhaps because she feels more powerful. The ad also promises youth to the viewer as well. This is especially significant because the majority of the audience of InStyle is older and viewed as past their prime. By offering an appearance of youthfulness, Dolce & Gabbana is appealing to a deeply rooted desire of the

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