Similarities Between Dante And Virgil's 'First Circle Of Hell'

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The First Circle of Hell, contains the souls of those who were non-Christians and unbaptized pagans. Including those who were born before Christianity existed. The souls of those who are in this circle are not harshly punished physically, but instead grieve only their separation from God. They are punished with eternity in an inferior form of Heaven. They live in the noble castle of Limbo which has seven gates which symbolizes the seven virtues. In this circle Dante sees many recognizable people such as Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Julius Caesar. A celebrity who would most likely end up here would be Tom Cruise because he is a Scientologist. Scientology has no connection to God which would result in Tom Cruise being …show more content…

They are punished by being blown violently back and forth by strong storms, which prevents them to find peace and rest. Strong winds symbolize the restlessness of a person who is led by desire for fleshly pleasures. Again, Dante and Virgil see many notable people from history including Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and others who were adulterous during their lifetime. Bill Clinton is a prime example of someone who belongs in this part of Hell. He had an affair with his assistant, Monica Lewinsky while he was married to Hillary Clinton and during his Presidency.

In the Third Circle of Hell, sinners in this circle are punished by being forced to lay and eat vile filth that is produced by never ending icy rain. Dante places people who have eaten a lot in their life into this circle. Dante also speaks with Ciacco who tells him that the Guelphs will defeat and expel the Ghibellines. A person who belongs in this part of hell is Mama June Shannon …show more content…

The Outer Ring is for murderers and other people who were violent toward others. Here, Dante notices Alexander the Great, Guy de Montfort, Dionysius I, and other historical figures, In this Circle there is also a river filled with boiling blood, murderers and tyrants are tortured in this river. In the Middle Ring, Dante and Virgil see people who have killed themselves. They have been transformed into trees and bushes and are being tortured endlessly by harpies. The only way to get them to speak is to break some of their branches. One celebrity who belongs in this Circle is Chris Brown because in 2009 he and his then girlfriend Rihanna got into an argument, which escalated into physical violence. She was left with facial injuries such as; cuts and bruises which led to her being checked into hospital. Chris Brown turned himself into the police. He was charged with felony assault and making criminal threats, for which he was sentenced to five years worth of

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