Similarities Between Chinese And Greek Civilizations

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Although it seemed that the Chinese civilization was isolated from the other Eurasian civilizations, they created and built similar achievements and breakthroughs while still staying different. There are many comparisons and contrasts between the Greek and Chinese civilizations. To begin, one striking similarity was how they both subdivided their territories. With the territorial water terraces in China and the polis in Greece resembled one another intensively. Both the territorial princes and the polis magistrates held a larger amount of power over their subjects, but they retained differences in how they were elected (enterprising local landowners claimed the terraces as for the polis magistrates were elected). Surprisingly, the same accomplishments …show more content…

While the Chinese are not mentioned to have developed any sort of monetary device, Greek cities following King Croesus minted metal coins for everyday market transactions. This breakthrough made buying and selling more profitable because merchants or consumers no longer had to exchange items, but had these coins in which they were willing to depart with. However, as there were these disparities, there were more uniformities (than the ones above) as well. For example, the emergence of the Han and Macedonian Empires are strikingly indistinguishable. They both took over a group of divided states and legions to make one mass empire and they also finished polis and warring states periods. This created a more stable political order, less strife between states, and social order in both Greece and China. Another instance of similarities were the constant intrusive locally smaller tribes against the Greek and Chinese civilizations. In China, they experienced the recurring issue of the northern steppe raiders invading nearby villages. Their failed solutions included hiring steppe cavalrymen to guard posts and building defensive walls on northern frontiers. In Greece, they had periodic armed conflicts with Phoenicians, Carthaginians, and Etruscans while completing naval trade routes along Mediterranean and Black Sea shores. As a final point, those reasons were some of the samples of the comparisons and contrasts between the Greek and Chinese

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