Similarities Between Atticus And Mrs Dubose

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Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. To Kill a Mockingbird depicts a mixture of sorrow and suspense that takes place in Alabama during the 1930s when the south is permeated with racial prejudice. Both Atticus Finch and Mrs. Dubose display tremendous courage throughout the course of the novel.
Atticus first shows his bravery when he decides to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus Finch is a prominent and impartial lawyer in the racist town of Maycomb. “I’m simply defending a Negro—his name is Tom Robinson” (Lee 100). He is risking his career and his family reputation in accepting the case of Tom Robinson raping a white girl. Moreover, Atticus already knows that he is going to lose the case because of the prejudice and racism in town prior to the trial. Nevertheless, Atticus chooses to defend Tom Robinson in spite of any personal harm that could come about because he strongly believes in justice and Tom’s innocence. Therefore it is extremely courageous of Atticus to take the case in such a daunting circumstance. Atticus further demonstrates his audacity when he picks up the gun and shoots the mad …show more content…

Dubose exhibits her fearlessness when she chooses to directly face her chronic addiction. Mrs. Dubose is revealed to have been addicted to morphine and only has a few months left before she dies. “Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew” (Lee 149). It would make more sense for Mrs. Dubose to continue taking morphine to assuage the pain, but she is determined to confront her addiction. Thus Mrs. Dubose bravely tolerates the suffering so that she could die without her morphine habit. In addition, so as to have some moments of clarity, Mrs. Dubose is willing to endure miserable withdrawal symptoms quietly. Her courage is substantially exemplified by her fearless behaviors at the final stage of her

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