Similarities Between 1984 And V For Vendetta

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Human degradation due to unjust, socially inequitable practices is a great share of what proves a strong comparison between the text Nineteen-Eighty-Four by George Orwell and the film V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue. By boldly choosing to work with the theme of human degradation in their works, both Orwell and McTeigue have the ability to connect with their readers on the level of ideas, experiences, values and beliefs. Though life today is not the same dystopian nightmare that both Nineteen-Eighty-Four and V for Vendetta were set it, some aspects of the stories are still relevant and relatable. Properties such as the matter of paranoia, unfair restrictions, family structure and sexuality, are credible examples of the human degradation that still occurs in this very day and age and assist in creating a solid connection to the reader or viewer.

The distinction in the way that conduct is controlled in the two societies varies significantly between Nineteen-Eighty-Four and V for Vendetta, although the laws that are imposed are not all that different. In Nineteen-Eighty-Four, the civilians …show more content…

Committing crimes is an enormous theme displayed in both variations, although shown very differently at that. V is a very fierce and hands on person who finds creative ways to prove his point. He also finds ways to murder the guilty in a fair way for the good of humanity. Winston Smith on the other hand, is not physically violent, but commits thoughtcrime by withholding his diary, which he knows is well beyond legal in Airstrip One. This can be related to readers in the way that they could feel a strong connection to both characters here and sometimes wanting to break the rules for their personal beliefs, because that is how humans

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