Silver Value Essay

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Bringing Silver Value Back on Track
Silver is a precious metal with a wide array of uses. Silver value has been an acknowledged standard since ancient times when it was the major currency of trade. Although silver value has diminished over the recent times, it still plays a major role in the international market today.
The first known source of silver is believed to be the mines around Anatolia, now known as Turkey, in 4000 BC. This supplied the flourishing cultures around Greece, Crete, and the Near East. Around 2500 BC the Chaldeyans developed a process called “cupellation” to extract silver from silver-lead ores. During the rise and fall of civilizations around Europe and Asia Minor, silver value remains high, with major silver sources moving from Laurium (near Athens, and produced the largest amount of silver during this era), Asia Minor, Sardinia, Asia, Spain, Germany, and Austria-Hungary.
Silver trading in the Americas started in the 1500’s when Europeans exchanged personal items including silver for fur pelts with the Native American tribes. During these times, the natives live off the land and have no knowledge about silver value. However, they liked the shape and designs of the silver jewelries, brooches, and pins that they prefer them for trade. Eventually it became the medium for the fur trade.
The development of amalgamation using mercury to extract silver from alloys increased silver production. The first silver mines in the New World were believed to be in Bolivia and Mexico in the 1500’s. This brought into existence the international silver standard. Silver exploitation started in Peru a centrury later.
By the middle of the 1800’s the beaver population had dwindled because of the high demand for fur, causing t...

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...hlorine. This is why billions of dollars are spent on silver for water purification systems.
These are just a fraction of the uses of Silver in different industries. The tensile strength, conductivity, catalytic activity, and corrosion free properties of silver make versatile and its applicability is endless. The increasing demand for silver will eventually deplete the silver reserves and will, in turn increase silver value.
Although currently low, many have predicted a rise of silver value in the not-so-distant future because of its increasing demands in a multitude of industries. Many people in trade are expecting a “silver bubble” or a price explosion that would skyrocket the silver value and eventually create another economic panic. Like gold, silver may come in paper silver of different forms such as silver certificates, pool accounts, and leverage accounts.

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