Significant Events In Noah's Life

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Have you ever heard of a guy named Noah? Noah was a very important man and lived a great life. He had a wonderful family, a wife called Naamah and three sons called Shem, Ham and Japheth. Noah went through some really though times but God was always by his side to help him through it. One of the significant events in Noah's life is when God sent down the great flood, he sent down this flood because the world was becoming a terrible place. God told Noah to warn the wicked people of the land that a flood was coming and if you love and trust God you will not die in the flood. Of course the people did not believe Noah and they tried to kill him. God than told Noah to build an ark for you and your family to live in during the flood. While Noah was building the ark the people who did not listen to Noah watched him build it and laughed at him, Noah explained once more why he was building the ark but the people just mocked him.
God then sent down a gentle wind to dry up the water, the boat washed onto a high mountain and Noah's family waited there until the flood was dry. Noah's relationship with God was very strong, unlike the wicked people of the land they trusted each other and Noah obeyed God. Noah loved God with all his might and would never want to do anything to hurt him or let him down. Although Noah had ups and downs in his life we can learn that we should love God and our neighbours so that they can love us back and won't hurt us. Noah's experiences with God can help us to relate with him because Noah never fought with God and neither should we, we should always love God and never disobey him. Noah's story is why there is a rainbow in the sky now, the rainbow is gods promise to Noah that he will never send down another flood to judge human sin

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