Siegfried Idyll Essay

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The composition of “Siegfried Idyll” by Richard Wagner is an expressive piece of music he composed for his wife. Originally, the song was named “Triebschen Idyll with Fidi's birdsong and the orange sunrise”. Listening to Wagner’s music, you can tell that he was inspired by his wife. It is human nature to express oneself. Wagner expressed how he felt through music. His emotions, feelings, and thoughts were all put together with musical notes to create a musical composition. This can relate to Dante’s human nature. As Dante goes through the levels of hell, he does it for his love for Beatrice. It is a component of our human nature to love. God created us to love, as it says in the bible, “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Love can additionally …show more content…

With this in mind, in the music not only do you hear peacefulness and love, but also sorrow, and hope. Those who enter hell are told to abandon all hope. Those who have hope have a chance to go to a better place. As humans, we tend to have hope. We believe that there is something better for us when we lose our way and when we do, hope fades away. As for Dante, he’s a living being going through hell in the hopes of seeing Beatrice. “Love, which absolves no one beloved from loving, seized me so strongly with his charm that, as you see; it has not left me yet. Love brought us to one death.” Dante learns about love in hell from Francesca. Love is what seems to motivate us to do the things we do and gives us hope. From Wagner, we can hear his love for his wife in his music. Wagner style of music is known to be romantic. His music was a part of the romanticism era where the movement focused on humanity with emotion and nature. Wagner transformed the opera with his conception of Gesamtkunstwerk ("total work of art"), in which he combined the poets, the visuals, the musicals and the dramatic arts, with music for the drama. Wagner greatly influenced classical music and is known to be the start of modern

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