Siddhartha Self Discovery

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The Journey of Self Discovery

Have you ever heard of the well-known book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse? The book Siddhartha teaches you about finding your inner self and the path to enlightenment. The author, Hermann Hesse was born into a Protestant family of missionaries and theologists. You may wonder why a Protestant man wrote about an entirely different religion. Since Hesse had parents that were theologians, he decided to follow the family tradition and become one himself. He was exposed to various faiths growing up however, he was only intrigued of Buddhism. Later on, Hesse went to the Middle East and Asia to learn more about Buddhism. After traveling and getting to know the Buddhist culture better, he wrote and later published Siddhartha. …show more content…

Siddhartha is the son of a Brahman otherwise known as the “Supreme”, who lives with his father in Ancient India. Siddhartha enjoys his life with his best friend Govinda always at his side. Siddhartha follows all religious rituals in order to grant himself true happiness however, he feels that something is missing. He follows the path of Samanas (monks) with Govinda to find the path of enlightenment. After following the path of the Samanas Siddhartha is still unpleased. Govinda convinces him to seek out to Gotama, the man who has attained spiritual enlightenment. After meeting Gotama Siddhartha initially pleased with Gotama afterwards becoming dissatisfied, again. Govinda is convinced and decides to join Gotama’s followers. Siddhartha leaves Govinda sadly and embarks onto finding the true meaning of

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