Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice The play begins in Venice where the wealthy merchant Antonio is talking to his young friends about the reasons for the depression. Antonio claims not to understand himself his sad nature. Bassanio arrives with the news that he wishes to court a wealthy, beautiful heiress named Portia. In order to present himself to Portia he wants to borrow 3000 ducats. Bassanio is in terrible debt and he sees marriage to Portia as a way out of financial problem. Antonio claims he cannot raise 3000 ducats himself but he offers to stand as security for any loan which Bassanio can arrange. The subplot introduces Portia and Nerissa. Shakespeare provides himself with an opportunity to comment on the position of women in the society of his day. Portia was unable to choose her own husband. Her father’s will made her the subject of a lottery. As in Romeo and Juliet we see the ambivalence of the writer’s attitude to the domination of women by authoritarian fathers. “I be obtained by the manor of my father’s will”. Further more Shakespeare mocks the European stereotypes that pursue Portia eager to claim not only her beauty but also her father’s money. The audience learn that Portia would choose Bassanio if indeed she had a choice. Meanwhile in Venice, Bassanio has approached Shylock, a Jewish money lender, for a loan of 3000 ducats. Shylock appears to prevaricate about whether or not he should make the loan of 3000 ducats. He shows he is most knowledgeable about the business affairs of Antonio “he hath an Argosy bound to Tripolis, and other to the Indies…” Immediately the audience can see that S... ... middle of paper ... ...ers the scales to weigh the amputated flesh, Bassanio and Gratiano offer their wives lives in exchange for Antonio’s life. Shylock scorns their exaggeration and bombasity, “These be the Christians husbands”, Shylock then mentions his own daughter to bring Jessica to mind at this point in the play, his daughter to the Christians in the true root of his desire to kill Antonio. At the last moment Portia points out the flaw in Shylocks bond, the facts that a drop of blood may not be spilled. With glee the Christians begin to torment Shylock, taking his money, threatening his life and ultimately insisting he is baptised and that Antonio will be his Godfather. Amidst execrations Shylock “totters” from the play probably to hang himself. I have come to the conclusion that Shylock is only a product of his environment.

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