Should Youtube Ban Dangerous Stunt

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Final Copy Do you in your heart think it is a good idea to try and shoot a flaming basketball. I think that this is a bad idea, and I hope you do to. Youtube has been showing these stunts for years. These stunts are affecting people in a bad way. There are many games that people play that are dangerous. I’m sure you’ve heard of a few like the choking game, the knife game, and other crazy stunts.I’m going to tell you facts and opinions about how youtube has been encouraging these stunts. I think that youtube should ban dangerous stunts. Did you know that every three minutes an American accidentally kills themselves. Every second 1.8 people die, that means in just a minute 108 people die. In three minutes 324 people die. So out of those 324 people 1 kills themselves from a stunt. Also over 14,000 of those people are under the age of 19. That may seem like a small number to you, I mean 1 person every 3 minutes. However these three minutes add up. “Every year 180,000 Americans die from accidental injuries” (youtrouble pg 11). That is also just Americans. You can imagine how many people this affects the world. You can think of how these parents feel, they must feel like it is their fault. Could you imagine losing a family member to a youtube stunt. …show more content…

But according to some experts, they are far from harmless entertainment.” Studies have shown that these videos are encouraging kids to try things. Parents always say try new things but, I don’t think that they would have this in mind. There is a game called the choking game. There is a study shown that 6% of kids play the choking game. That is 45,000,000 people; as far as the knife game you can imagine. The knife game is a game where a person sings a song while stabbing a sharp knife in between their fingers. The knife game can also be called FFF, that stands for Five Finger

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