Should Women Receive Mammograms

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Throughout history, many individuals whom are disabled have been unaware how important a mammogram really is until it is too late. Having a mammogram shows if there are any cancerous lumps formed inside a women’s breast. People with intellectual disabilities may not know the meaning of mammograms due to the fact they learn a lot slower than most human beings. Remaining a healthy life contains having test ran that could be painful and the outcome could be upsetting. Unlike individuals without disabilities, women who have disabilities are more likely not to have a mammogram when they reach the appropriate age. Women who have an intellectual disability go the majority of their life without having a mammogram, which causes them to discover they have breast cancer when it is in a life threatening stage. People with this type of disability usually result in having a higher rate of receiving a chronic illness such as, cancer. According to Swain et al. (2013), “Women with intellectual disabilities need education and help to receive screenings when needed” (p.184). Therefore, women with a disability should have a responsible adult willing to take them to regular screening and a couple of days before each screening educate them about what a mammogram screening is for. …show more content…

These women should be educated about mammograms by a doctor, friend, or family member. These women have a more likely chance of reducing the chance of having cancer, or finding the cancer before it reaches the stage that could cost their life. Nondisabled women should use their own knowledge and make sure they are in good health. Unlike intellectual disabled individuals, most women can feel their breast for any lumps, if they feel any lumps they should immediately schedule a

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