Should The Government Be Responsible For Safe Public Health?

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The government, a huge contributor in terms of taking care of those who have unfortunate health can only do so much until it becomes the individual’s responsibility of the knowledge needed for safe public health. The health of our nation depends heavily on statistics (Schneider and Schneider, 2017). The government collects data through births, deaths, causes to those deaths, outbreaks, diseases, and cases of cancer in order to inform the health experts on how healthy or unhealthy the nation is (Schneider and Schneider, 2017). While the government has many responsibilities in order to run the nation as well as possible while helping those who are in need it is important to understand why the government should not be responsible for our own individual health. Rather, the government should worry about the responsibilities and regulations that would keep 1,000 people safe over the life of one individual. Those programs inhibit our safety, and without the government funding ways to help our health, we would probably not exist today. The individual liberty of each individual matters of course, but the sole purpose of a government is to properly promote the general welfare of its people …show more content…

The areas and communities that are not fortunate enough to receive government assistance and health departments would likely have to rely and depend on the state departments to come in and do the job in order to keep a safe and clean environment, just as those do in towns with their own health departments (Schneider and Schneider, 2017). The health departments receive funds from the government in order to keep us safe, resulting in the nation depending solely on the government to continue for the overall health and safety of its

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