Should The Australian Government Have Free Tuition Rates?

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Many people believe that education is one of the determinant factors to predict the future day, whether will be succeed or not. In several countries, Government usually guided their citizen, especially for the students, to continue their education to the collage. Finland, Sweden, Germany, and the Middle East are the example of countries where the Government is willing to give free tuition fee for the students until highest level of education (Daeng, 2017). These countries proven that having a high educational level would impact to the welfare of the country. With the good collaboration between the government and the citizen, they can finally work together and each of them is making a symbiotic mutualism.
However, Australian government …show more content…

It is even better for the government to see the comparison from another country which has applied this kind of regulation. Take a look from the Finland; Finland is very familiar with its educational system. In 2016, Finland is awarded as the best school systems in the world by World Economic Forum. Finland placed in the first rank beat the Japan, Netherland or even Singapore (Grut, 2016). Moreover, the tuition fee is paid by the government and the students no need to be worry until they are graduates into the highest level of education (, …show more content…

For example, there are two options for the country using its country budgets. The first budget is for country construction $20.000 and the second almost twice from the first choices which is $30.000 allocated for educational levels. If the government use it for the country construction, it will be beneficial for the country development only. Country development is also needed in order to have a better country, but it would not happen if the country has nobody to operate the construction wisely. However, if the government uses the budget of construction for subsidizing the educational things, the country development might be goes slower than the prediction, but the country will have bright students who are willing to serve to their own country soon. Undergraduate students must have much better understanding rather than the High School one. There must be one side should be sacrificed at the beginning, there will be a great improvement in the future. A lot of job vacancy will be offered for this graduate especially if the government prioritizes them to work first. Australian can see the good example from the Finland, the government willing to give a free fee tuition fee for their students up to Doctoral Degree levels and the result is now Finland is categorized as a developed country with its good system of education. The number of unemployment in there is also

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