Should Teachers Be Allowed To Carry Guns In Schools

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The $64,000 question that millions of Americans are asking; “Should Teachers be allowed to carry guns at school” is an extremely controversial hot topic which has sparked many debates and raised many eyebrows. From the American people to Government officials, it is safe to say that it seems almost everyone has an opinion on the issue, this topic certainly does not go under the radar. Some say that allowing guns in the hands of teachers is the best way to ensure the safety of our children and students while others argue that it will only worsen the problem of gun violence. Although there are understandable reasons as to why some are against guns being present in schools, I stand firm in the belief that it is in the best interest of our students and faculty that teachers be allowed to carry guns on campus. Not only does it give them the ability to protect and defend at any moment …show more content…

This idea had the NRA’S Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, full support. “He also hinted that volunteers might be enlisted, noting that America has ‘millions of qualified active and retired police; active, reserve and retired military; security professionals; certified firefighters and rescue personnel; and an extraordinary corps of patriotic, trained qualified citizens’” (Rostron). Additionally, LaPierre further expanded in support of this proposal by stating that many people in our communities would be more than happy to step forward and serve as well as receive the proper training that's provided to them. “Whether they’re retired police, retired military or rescue personnel, I think there are people in every community in this country, who would be happy to serve, if only someone asked them and gave them the training and certification to do so”

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