Should Students Learn A Second Language In Middle School

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Should students take a foreign language in Elementary school, or Middle school, or High school? Students should learn a foreign language in school because it expands someone's opinion on different cultures and a different point of view on the world. It gives them the chance to help others if people that speak a different language. It helps you if you go traveling and don’t speak their language. It will also help them if they need to get a job because some jobs do require you to take a foreign language. Learning a foreign language in school will give people more opportunities in the real world. Students should learn a foreign language in middle school because it gives them a different opinion for different cultures and gives them a different …show more content…

Students that learn a second language of people that don’t speak their language can help your child to help communicate with and understand different people with different cultures. It is important that our kids learn not just about words but about people with different cultures. Students that are exposed to a foreign language will help incorporate different cultures of native speakers both abroad and down the road. “As the United States moves very rapidly to become a bilingual society, we almost have an ethical responsibility to our children [when it comes] the language skills they most likely will need later in life” says Hershberger. “I’m convinced that exposure to a second language at an early age relates to a more open and diverse worldview later in life. When a child is exposed to a variety in speech patterns, he or she learns that the world is a diverse place and that heterogeneity is the norm. If this child is immersed in or exposed to, a variety of cultural settings in which these languages are spoken, then he or she will learn that language is a means to bridge these communities.” this is in the article “5 Reasons All Children Should Learn a Foreign Language.” by Leah

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