Should Students Be Hammered Down With So Much Homework?

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Today, multiple students are easily run-down and cannot catch a break given the excessive load of homework on a daily basis. A study produced by Kyria and Butcher found that “the main sources of stress were academic” in the year of 1993, and this has only increased since then (Alison Owen-Yeates). Students should not have to be hammered down with so much homework, which only adds stress, takes away from family time, and increases sleep deprivation.
As displayed in numerous students’ lives, an abundance amount of homework increases their level of stress. This extra stress can easily lead to various problems, such as a decline in one’s mental health. The additional stress of multiple daily grades every night raises the pressure that a student …show more content…

Not only does the unnecessary time take away from seeing their friends, but it mainly reduces the time they could be spending with their families. An increase in homework forces the students to isolate themselves in order to finish a chapter or complete a type of math worksheet. This isolation slowly causes a huge disconnection between the students and their families. The confinement can also lead to the students feeling alone or increase their social awkwardness. Never experiencing social situations may also increase the student's’ chances of having inappropriate reactions to what is going on around them. The time spent dreading homework could be better spent with the providence of happiness and love of the students’ …show more content…

The lack of sleep takes away from the brain continuing as 100% healthy. When the brain has not had any rest, it provokes poor decisions that can fall under the categories of either quite serious or barely harmful; either way, no student wants to endure the consequences of any poor decision, especially those specifically caused by too little sleep. Since sleep deprivation is not good for the brain, it can actually hinder students’ academic abilities. When the students are extremely exhausted, it diminishes the chances of not only them understanding a new topic in class, but also their will to stay awake in the first place. Worrying about several assignments from each of their five to seven classes, students become unable to allow their brain a break.
Opponents may deem that overall, homework is only beneficial for students because it provides them with more practice and preparation for tests. With the additional practice, the students are better off and will eventually become more accomplished. However, this special practice could always happen during actual class time, which would overall be more beneficial since the teacher is also there to help. If class time becomes shortened some days, then students could make good use of a study hall period or a few extra tutorials that would not take up as much time as their various amount of homework

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