Should School Uniforms Be Worn

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In the past years, many schools have debated the issue of students wearing school uniforms. Several schools have established the rule and policy of school uniforms, yet other schools still debate on the subject. The reason not all schools have instituted the requirement for school uniforms is because students oppose the idea. Even though school uniforms are not the most fashionable clothing one can wear, school uniforms should be mandatory in all schools. School uniforms will save money and time, it will improve the social outcomes in a school environment. It will also decrease bullying and increase a sense of belonging and school pride in a student.
School uniforms can save money and time to students and their parents. If schools had school uniforms parents would not have to worry about the time it will take them to get the school shopping done or how much money they would have to spend. Parents will no longer have to spend a fortune on school clothing because they will only need to buy a few uniforms. It will also save student time when they are choosing their clothing for school everyday. According to a national 2013 survey, over 90% of U.S school leaders believe school uniforms would eliminate wardrobe battles with students and would make it easier for students to get ready in the mornings. …show more content…

The reason is because clothing and fashion are the cause of social conflict. Students are often criticized by other students for what they wear. However many students use clothing to express or to define themselves. Many students feel that they are judged according to what they wear by other students as well as teachers and staff. School uniforms remove these aspects from the social environment within the school, relieving students from the pressure to fit in. Experts believe that, by improving the social environment through mandatory standardized dress, both academic and behavioral outcomes

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